OS 09.02.2002 22:58
Только что приехал из Питера и не могу не передать вам, друзья, привет от наших северо-западных коллег!
В интернет-сервисах победил Hotlog. А в дизайн-мультимедиа питерцы подали всего две работы. На очереди Золотого Сайта - Москва. |
gadji 09.02.2002 22:49
Здрасте... все вы наверняка знаете cmart'а (cmart.design.ru)... так вот у меня вопрос... в какой программе он рисует? |
df 09.02.2002 21:29
>а на самом деле в коллективе могут проиходить совсем другие процессы
ага. подходишь и спрашиваешь: как вам вот это будет? и ищешь компромиссное решение. |
dikka 09.02.2002 21:26
ant, йопть, ты живой! у меня всё нормально. у тебя-то как? как дизайнится? |
kutuzov 09.02.2002 20:44 http://kutuzov.mobil.by
во-во сайбир, и в чужие моники зырить тоже не надо >:/ и главное потом говорит, что у меня те же сайты что и у него открыты, понимашь...
sushi 3003/4004 09.02.2002 20:30 http://www.sushi.redgraphic.com
2dikka: tnx. |
ok 09.02.2002 20:06 http://www.tld.by
What is a domain name? Domain names are the familiar, easy to remember names for computers on the Internet (such as internic.net). They correspond to a series of numbers (called Internet Protocol numbers) that serve as routing addresses on the Internet. Domain names are used generally as a convenient way of locating information and reaching others on the Internet.
What does it mean to "register" a domain name?
The Internet domain name system (DNS) consists of a directory, organized hierarchically, of all the domain names and their corresponding computers registered to particular companies and persons using the Internet. When you register a domain name, it will be associated with the computer on the Internet you designate during the period the registration is in effect.
How can I get a domain name in .com, .net or .org?
Domain names ending with .com, .net or .org can be registered through many different companies (known as "registrars") that compete with one another. An alphabetical listing of these companies appears in the InterNIC Registrar Directory on the InterNIC site.
Can I choose the registrar I want to register a domain name for my web site?
Yes. You may choose any of the listed registrars.
What is involved in registering a domain name in .com, .net or .org?
To register a domain name, you will be asked to provide the registrar you select with the various contact and technical information that makes up the registration. The registrar will then keep records of the contact information and submit the technical information to a central directory known as the "registry." This registry provides other computers on the Internet the information necessary to send you e-mail or to find your web site. You will also be required to enter a registration contract with the registrar, which sets forth the terms under which your registration is accepted and will be maintained.
What is the process for submitting the required registration information?
Different registrars offer different means of submitting the information. Most registrars offer web-based registration services. Some offer registrations by telephone or mail. Many will work with your ISP to obtain the required information. You should go to the individual registrar's web site or otherwise contact it to determine the process it follows.
Will my name and contact information be publicly available?
Yes. Information about who is responsible for domain names is publicly available to allow rapid resolution of technical problems and to permit enforcement of consumer protection, trademark, and other laws. The registrar will make this information available to the public on a "Whois" site.
How long does a registration last? Can it be renewed?
Each registrar has the flexibility to offer initial and renewal registrations in one-year increments, with a total registration period limit of ten years.
How much does a domain-name registration name cost?
Each registrar sets the price it charges for registering names, and prices vary significantly among different registrars. In addition, some registrars offer discounted or free registration services in connection with other offerings, such as web hosting. To see what offering best meets your needs, you should go to the web sites of several of the registrars listed in the InterNIC Registrar Directory on the InterNIC site.
When do I have to pay for my domain name?
Before your domain name becomes active, you must provide a credit card number or other reasonable assurance of payment. This requirement enhances the availability of domain names by preventing them from being tied up by persons not intending to pay for registration.
Can I change registrars after registering a domain name?
Yes, you may change the registrar sponsoring your domain name at any time more than sixty days after initial registration. For details on the transfer process, contact the registrar you would like to assume sponsorship of the registration.
I have seen advertisements for domain-name registration by companies not in the accredited registrar directory. Are these legitimate?
Only registrars accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) are authorized to register .com, .net and .org names in the registry. Some of these accredited registrars offer their services through resellers, which may provide assistance in completing the registration process. Your registration contract, however, will be with the accredited registrar and that registrar will maintain your contact information.
Someone else has registered my company's name as a .com domain name. What is the process for resolving my complaint?
All ICANN-accredited registrars follow a uniform dispute resolution policy. Under that policy, disputes over entitlement to a domain-name registration are ordinarily resolved by court litigation between the parties claiming rights to the registration. Once the court rules who is entitled to the registration, the registrar will implement that ruling. In disputes arising from registrations allegedly made abusively (such as "cybersquatting" and cyberpiracy"), the uniform policy provides an expedited administrative procedure to allow the dispute to be resolved without the cost and delays often encountered in court litigation. In these cases, you can invoke the administrative procedure by filing a complaint with one of the dispute-resolution service providers listed at http://www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm. For more details on the uniform dispute resolution policy, see http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp.htm.
If I have customer service questions or problems related to my domain name registration, who should I contact?
You should contact the particular registrar that registered your domain name.
What are the rules for registration of .net and .org names?
They are the same as for .com. Traditionally, however, names in .net have been used by organizations involved in Internet infrastructure activities and .org is frequently used by not-for-profit organizations.
Are .com, .net, and .org domain names available for registration on a global basis?
Yes. The .com, .net, and .org domains are available for registration by Internet users across the globe. ICANN-accredited domain name registrars are also located in various countries around the world. To view the InterNIC list of domain name registrars by country, click here.
I've seen domain names ending with two-letter combinations, like .uk. What are the rules for registering in these domains?
Two letter domains, such as .uk, .de and .jp (for example), are called country code top level domains (ccTLDs) and correspond to a country, territory, or other geographic location. The rules and policies for registering domain names in the ccTLDs vary significantly and some are reserved for use by citizens of the corresponding country. You should check with the registrar offering ccTLD registration services regarding the specific terms and conditions for registration.
Some ICANN-accredited registrars provide registration services in the ccTLDs in addition to registering names in .com, .net and .org, however, ICANN does not specifically accredit registrars to provide ccTLD registration services.
Is the "InterNIC" synonymous with Network Solutions, Inc.?
No. The InterNIC is a concept for an integrated network information center that was originally developed by several companies, including Network Solutions, in cooperation with the U.S. Government.
InterNIC is a registered service mark of the U.S. Department of Commerce. It is licensed to ICANN, which operates its web site. |
Yera Solovei 09.02.2002 20:00 http://www.bcd.by
так что на счет того, чтобы собраться? |
Тракторист2 09.02.2002 12:13
>элиты здесь нет. здесь есть те, кому ничего делать. все, я пошел домой.
Это слова некого Доброжелателя, мессаги которого появились тут пару дней назад... Мне просто в один момент было легь читать его слова...так я сохранил это дело на веник и потом в спокойной обстановке это прочел. Сразу хочу коснуться грамотности. Некоторые печатают быстро и сленгом на форумах, пропуская при этом буквы – это конечно неприятно, но тем не менее оправдано многим. Мы же тут не книги пишем МАТЬ ВАШУ? Короче его наезды на многих по поводу грамотности мессаг заслуживают обнуления нах.
>слишком уж много здесь аттрофированных киберпанком чудиков. Такое ощущение, что он выделяет себя прям как самое высшее существо интеллектом здесь... он ставит себя как идол, его спасает одно – он сидит в безопасности за компом.
Еще он многих критиковал за дизайн... Братишка ты занешь такую фразу: «Сначало научись делать сам, а потом и других учи» Так вот, критикуя других, ты просто обязан показать, что сделал ты. ИБО это позволит выявить твой уровень, ИБО это поможет понять – действительно ли стоит прислушиваться к твоей критике, имеешь ли ты способности дизайнера, причем неплохие способности, чтобы вступать в полемику с людьми. Может твой уровень гораздо ниже...ты боишься этого? Ты боишься что тебя пошлют нах, после того как увидят твои рабоы? Тогда понятно, что ты просто трус и строишь из себя много. Песдишь больше, чем весишь на самом деле БЛИА!
ant 09.02.2002 11:56
2 dikka как дела? |
ant 09.02.2002 11:54
2 Mr.Ak koshmargraphik.by подходит лучше |
Mr.Ak 09.02.2002 11:03 http://www.paradoxgraphics.by.ru
Невероятно низкие цены с невероятно высоким качеством! Кто может быть оригинальнее? Ответье?! |
CyberLink 09.02.2002 07:35 http://paully.com
2 df:
Управлять людьми это тибие не "хухры-мухры". Хочешь сделать хорошо с логической точки зрения, а на самом деле в коллективе могут проиходить совсем другие процессы. |
хма 09.02.2002 06:58
под вин ХП теперь есть иконбилдер. рулит. |
CJIOH 09.02.2002 06:43
2сайбер : по-мойму ты загнался, будь проще и люди к тебе потянуЦЦа, ДФ стараеться как может, и нужно помочь ему в его нелегком и неблагодарном труде, а хаить!
вот! :)
зы: ничего личного..... |
пельмень 09.02.2002 06:33
2 dikka, 2 coren - thanks... |
coren 09.02.2002 05:25 http://www.gudima.com
microangelo - http://www.impactsoft.com/ |
coren 09.02.2002 05:19 http://www.gudima.com
http://www.ziggen.com/ |
dikka 09.02.2002 04:59
2 пельмень: microangelo - самое мощное, что я видел |
пельмень 09.02.2002 04:53
all, может кто знает удобный софт для создания полноцветных иконок (*.ico)? |